June 23, 2008

The End

I'm closing this blog down in order to work on something new.
Soon I will post a link to the new blog and delete all the posts on this one.


May 31, 2008


never without.
we were someone else,
never without.
stand upon my chair,
never without.
we were always.
and hardly ever,
never without.
we were always there,
we were always.
rarely seen.
we were always.
deep within a dream,
and we were always.
never without.


desire and disappointment

my number/my number/my number
our number
and then the animal noises

you never really got me there.


May 30, 2008

we are sinking

miss distress
you feel so heavy
jumping on my bed
restless child
you feel so heavy
helpless child
confused child
full grown child
you feel so heavy
and we are sinking


women and children first

we thought about leaving
all day
every day.everyone.everywhere.

in every way
in all ways

and always


May 22, 2008


this is neither the time nor the place to be
it is the time and the place to leave


it comes to us all

we cannot escape


a resurgence




you've been lost


May 21, 2008

holding on so tightly

all that which is trivial has become precious in your hands


what happened?

a blatant mutation we hadn't foreseen


keep dreaming

what's in a dream that must be kept hidden?
what's in a dream that must not escape?


I've seen them rise

slowly, steadily


May 20, 2008

all of us with wings



external connections
physical tendencies



shake and twist


May 10, 2008

May 08, 2008

trying to get back on track

I've fallen a little behind this week, not on the drawing side, just the posting side. I have a stack of drawings I'll try and get uploaded by tomorrow.
I've done a couple recordings of verbal descriptions while "diving" and I think I may either upload them as a podcast or transcribe them and post it. It's a strange thing but I think it's somewhat interesting. And yes, "diving" is what I'm calling this strange act of mental exploration that I'm doing, I just love summing up random things in a word or two...


May 02, 2008


supports shift and strain

still we remain embedded deep within the structure


May 01, 2008


a natural result
dripping, pouring, pooling on surfaces


April 27, 2008

April 22, 2008

April 20, 2008

it was nearly paralyzing

the truth
the disappointment we all feared


they treated him horribly

the most vicious dog I ever met
was named George


even the best laid plans...

we had hopes and dreams
but we got distracted
and choked on our mistakes


April 19, 2008

she had simple intentions

not always so graceful


how long could it last?

we believed in our confidence
but had no confidence in our beliefs


April 16, 2008

what a shame

her crippling insecurities
reckless behavior
self loathing


stand back

highly contagious


April 14, 2008

April 12, 2008

I've no need for sherpas

We're proceeding on a need to know basis.
Our rocky past is a mountain range and our half-hearted rain dances haven't sped up the erosion process.


April 11, 2008

a division

A division,
a fracturing,
releasing those captured.


after the flood

After the flood
there were survivors,
and they bloomed.


April 10, 2008

the rain

The rain is beautiful,
and cleansing.


April 09, 2008

there are always boundaries

There are places even I won't go. Not due to fear but to understanding, knowledge of the disturbance potential of the inhabitants, a sort of spectral miasma. Even he is hesitant to linger at the gates, mithridatism is not without side effects.


April 08, 2008


Spring is treacherous, vegetation ruptures concrete, structural failure is imminent.


April 06, 2008

a string of unfortunate events

Nearly comatose, remaining structure appears neglected yet stable. Interior noticeably vacant aside from the occasional stirring of minuscule creatures. Evidence of previous inhabitants is sparse. Indications of vandalism.


March 21, 2008


What's this blog about?

This blog was created to help document my exploration of the concept of taxipathy, this documentation most often consists of sketches, short writing and photography.


the simple answer:

Taxipathy is a neologism I came up with in the autumn of 2007 to describe the work I had been making. It is a combination of the Greek words taxis and pathos and is comparable to the word taxidermy. While taxidermy is (in general terms) the reconstruction of a deceased animal, taxipathy is the reconstruction and representation of emotions elicited from or associated with a past event.

What's an "astral mezzanine"?

the simple answer:

Without getting caught up in discussions about planes of existence and other related concepts, I use the term astral mezzanine to describe the place from which we observe things such as daydreams. When you are unconscious and dreaming you are most often immersed in the dream, but when you are conscious and daydreaming you are most often observing from a different perspective. You might compare this relationship to something like the difference between riding the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls and watching it from an observation deck. An astral mezzanine is what I would consider the observation deck of the mind.

What's up with these drawings?

the simple answer:

None of these drawings are actually of something, though they are about something. What I'm doing is a kind of influenced automatic drawing. I lead myself to a place in my mind (astral mezzanine) and then begin drawing in a natural and uninhibited way without actually concentrating on what's being drawn. The resulting sketch is a representation of the act of thinking/remembering/experiencing emotions (taxipathy), you might consider it to be a sort of mental seismograph.